A Collector’s Delight For the discerning aficionado, the Cuaba Distinguidos Millennium Reserve Ceramic Jar offers an exceptional experience both in taste and presentation. This limited-edition collectible encapsulates the artistry and tradition of Cuban cigar making, making it a must-have for any serious collector.Exquisite Craftsmanship and Fla
Montecristo Open Slam Cigar
The Montecristo Open Slam Cigar is a vitola known as Idlicos that measures 5 3/5 (142mm) x 52 and appears to be a new vitola for the Cuban cigar world. It will join the Montecristo Open sub-brand, which debuted with four vitolas in 2009. The Box is available in boxes of 15 and 20 cigars.When you light up a Montecristo Open Slam cigar, you'll immedi